UCCE Butte County | Serving Butte County Since 1918
The UCCE Butte County office is OPEN by appointment.
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- Tips regarding Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for pesticide applicators during time of PPE scarcity
- 4-H: Trying to sell an animal? Options and Regulations: Market Animal Sale Options for 4-H
- Meet the Carrot Bunch!
- The Carrot Bunch has started a newsletter with lesson plans, recipes, and activities that you can implement in the classroom or at home. Sew what's new and subscribe here.
- Wanna start a garden? Video showing an easy way to get your seeds started. In collaboration with Enloe Medical Center
- Harvesting herbs from your garden, by UC Cal Fresh Healthy Living Butte County
- Sutter County students receive Lunch to Grow from Butte Cluster CalFresh Healthy Living UC: Success Story Lunch to Grow
- COVID19 related information for: Agriculture, Food Water and Nutrition, Youth Development, Gardening, Exploring the Environment, and Health and Wellness
The University of California Cooperative Extension in Butte County is a network of scientists and educators that conduct research and outreach in the areas of agriculture, natural resources, youth development, and nutrition.
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4-H is a positive youth development program (PYD) committed to building in youth the"5 Cs"-competence, confidence, character, caring and connected -young adults. PYD instills greater academic achievement, civic engagement, leadership, healthy living and decision making.
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UCCE Butte County has programs that address the needs of the agricultural community and the environment.
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We conduct educational activities and workshops that revolve around nutrition, physical activity and gardening to address issues of malnutrition, obesity and diabetes.
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Trained volunteers with expertise in horticulture and botany offer suggestions, strategies and general information to home gardeners on a wide range of subjects such as pest and wildlife management, disease control, seed, soil and fertilizer use, water quality and sustainable practices such as composting, water conservation, waste management, and reducing energy use.
UCCE Butte County 2023 Update
UCCE Butte County 2018 Report
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The Bowl-a-Thon is postponed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We will announce the new date later in the year.
Registration Form
Thanks to our sponsors:
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The UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) is the outreach arm of the University of California and includes Cooperative Extension, Research and Extension Centers and Statewide Programs such as 4H and Master Gardeners.
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lat vpnWeekdays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Master Gardener hours:
Director: Luis Espino Cell: 530-635-6234 |